maybe today I can share with you just
how i am inspired...
how i woke from dreams that for the first
time in weeks didn't leave me crippled
and crawling, wondering where my legs went...
how i stepped out into the morning sun and almost
wished it was rain or even snow to balance out
a new found power creeping up in me...
how i descended into my budget sub-compact car
and it suddenly sprouted rockets and a receipt in the
passenger seat for dry cleaning of one superhero outfit
that hung in the back...
how i found out as i flew into the sky that my breath
can somehow go deeper than my neck
because maybe i am no longer afraid of my heart...
maybe i can do that.
today wasn't quite that day...
but for the first time in a very long time
i can see that tomorrow might very well be just that...
or maybe even in NOW...
as in starting right now...or maybe now...
and the clouds taste like watermelon at a summer picnic
with shining eyes and hammocks with stories and dreams
that for the first time in weeks didn't leave me crippled.