Tuesday, December 27, 2011

a beginning #1 (that night)

it was dark. 
the man held 
on to the tree 
for dear life. 
Holding on 
for survival. Or that's 
what it seemed like as I watched 
him...or tried not to watch him, I should say...
on that one summer night
that I always wish never happened...
always wish i could forget.
A night that showed no signs of the
impending storm that already existed,
but only in the man's mind...for the moment.
I wanted to speak to him, and let him know that everything 
was going to be okay, but as the 
moments quivered past me, i found 
myself walking, and then running away. 
Running home...because i began to believe 
his reality more than mine.
I hoped i would never see him again, 
but that proved not to be the case at all...
as even that very night, as i slept in my 
one room apartment overlooking the ocean 
in which i spent my youth baptizing myself 
in it's waves, there was a rapping on my window...
and it was not a raven 
or a dream.

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